
Monday, May 18, 2015

Real (free) Food

I was at the gas station the other day and I saw a sign that said you get a free banana when you buy a certain size bottle of Smart Water. I had plenty of water in the car so I didn't need to spend money, but if I needed water, I totally would've taken them up on that offer. Usually the free item is super processed 'fake' food. I love bananas and it's probably one of the only items in a gas station that's real food, so I thought to myself, I'm so glad they're promoting a healthy lifestyle!

Well, the guy that was getting rung up next to me bought 2 Smart Water's that warranted 2 free bananas just by chance - he didn't even know there was a deal going on. He didn't want the free bananas. He didn't want free food. He didn't want real FREE food. He couldn't have given them to his family? Or someone in need? He couldn't use them for anything?? I don't want to make this overly dramatic, but I left the gas station with a heavy heart. 

So much of what I've learned about health & nutrition has come from my desire to learn about it, to make sure my family and I are healthy, and because I've seen those around me overcome with issues surrounding food intake. I realized that I had been taking for granted my desire to learn and lean in on nutrition and health. I'm not the norm. I forget this. I'm such an advocate for food healing bodies and I do want to share it with the world. I've seen women in their fifties completely turn their health around, allowing them to not just lose weight, but also turn around the clock - they've gotten off of medications, they've been cured of disease, they have more confidence, and I'm willing to bet they're going to live a longer, more fulfilled life now that they've made the decision to CHANGE. All it took was a choice to make a change. Once you're there, we can do the rest together. You just have to make that choice to commit and then it's one day at a time. The next thing you know, a healthy lifestyle will become your norm and you won't even think about it being the drastic change in your life. You'll forget the rest of the world may deny free real food at a gas station.

If your someone who is on their journey of health and wellness, I encourage you to share it with others.

If you need an outlet to share, just ask me, you don't have to start a blog or create YouTube videos, just share with your friends how incredible your journey has been. Wouldn't you love it if all your family and friends' lives were transformed by the power of deciding to commit to make a change?

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