
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

21 Day Fix Extreme (Review)

You've probably heard of the 21 Day've seen the infomercials, you've seen the containers...heck, maybe you've tried it. The 21 Day Fix was very first Beachbody program I tried and 2 rounds of it and I fired my gym when I realized that I hadn't even stepped foot in my "back up plan" in 2 months. I've been using Beachbody programs for over 2 years and the 21 Day Fix is always the one I fall back on. You can check out my review of the 21 Day Fix here.

It's my go-to program because.
1. it's only 21 days
2. I know it works
3. it dials in with nutrition, which makes me feel my best
4. the workouts are all 30 minutes

About a year after I began with the 21 Day Fix, the 21 Day Fix Extreme was released. I was able to try it out with celebrity trainer, Autumn Calabrese before the official release. I'll be honest, I was super intimidated by the program. We did lower fix and I was super sore the next day.

It was hard...
but I learned that hard isn't bad. 

Honestly, the main difference in the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme, is that it's just a little more extreme. If you've done the 21 Day Fix and want to take it to the next level, this is for you. 
If you want to dial in your nutrition, this is for you. 
If you want to break a plateau, this is for you. 

The workouts are somewhat harder and the meal plan is somewhat more extreme, 
however, the containers are the same. 
If the 21 Day Fix portion-sized containers are something you've come accustom to, 
this will be a super simple transition.
The meal plan is super simple and easy to follow.
And lastly....

On Extreme, you follow the containers plan (which is what I've done). After week 1, it was easier than I anticipated. You also have the option to do the countdown to competition plan for an even more extreme results. Autumn Calabrese, the creator the 21 Day Fix is a mom AND a bikini competitor, so she shares her secrets to her very specific plan to get in ripped condition! If you're getting ready for a competition...or maybe just a big event, you can use this option to really dial in your nutrition. It's essentially, lower carb and higher protein. The plan suggests that you do 2 days on/1 day off or 1 day on/2 days off for the last few days of the whole program. 

Here are the differences between the 21 Day Fix Extreme plan and the 21 Day Fix: 

1. The workouts are tougher. There are less breaks and the modifier is a little more tough. 

2. The nutrition guide is cleaner. The calorie brackets are the same, meaning that you get the same amount of containers, however, there are no cheats. In the 21 Day Fix, you can swap a yellow container for wine or chocolate...not this round. You'll have to pass up a few things...but, remember it's just for 21 days and you'll never be more proud of yourself for being so disciplined. You'll learn more about clean eating and your sweet tooth will actually consider fruit sweet -- which may allow you to breakthrough some bad habits!

What did I learn on this program? 

1. I learned so much more about discipline..which impacts every other area of my life!
2. I learned that hard doesn't = bad. 
3. I never saw such dramatic results in such a quick timeframe. (I lost 6 lbs. within the first 10 days!)
4. I learned that it really is okay to modify. 
5. I learned so much about meal prep.
6. I broke free from mindless snacking and my "need" for desserts/snack bars (yep, even if they're healthy).
7. I learned that a plan and accountability is everything (and while I knew this, having others doing this exact stricter program was so helpful)!

My favorite results came in my non-scale victory related to the shape of my face. 
I notice that when I eat sweets, it shows in my face so quickly! (That's the great thing about this nutrition plan, it really serves as a detox and allows your body to break free of cheats and ingredients that aren't so great for us.)

If you followed my 21 day journey (I shared every workout on Instagram), you would've read that I am not where I was a year ago and that's okay. The stress  of the past 6 months, the intense nausea I've felt from various means of trying to get pregnant, and the side effects from hormonal issues (I can't wait to share more on this) reek havoc on weight gain. I continued to eat clean and work out and check in with my accountability groups, but sometimes stress and imbalances can really throw our bodies out of whack! 

When you gain weight and you're in a hard season, you've got to give yourself grace in the journey. Granted, I was sick of playing victim and I left my excuses at the door. I wanted to dive into this program 100% and that's what I did; here are my 21 day results. 

If you're ready to get extreme, let me know. 

The program + Shakeology + accountability was the key to this incredible success, incredible plateau breakthrough, and the breaking of bad habits. It's just 3 weeks, but the impact will last much longer. Just message me and let's get started. 

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