
Monday, January 2, 2017

My Word of the Year: 2017

This year, I am taking a hold of every moment. 
I want to be intentional with:
my time
my energy
 my health
my marriage
 my friendships
my rest
 and my giving. 

2016 was a hard year of growth, but I found by the end of the year, that I made a lot of excuses. This year, I want to live it to the fullest and go to bed every night knowing that I was intentional with my moments. I'm looking forward to seeing what 2017 has in store!

Last year, my word of the year was 'choice'. Ironically, choice and intention go hand in hand. I wrote that "we are faced with choices every, which lead to consequences. I desire for my choices in 2016 to be more thought out, more intentional." I desired to feel more in power (which, ironically was my word of 2015). 2016 started with an unexpected whirlwind which led me to hard places throughout the year. It's my hope that whatever 2017 throws at me, it doesn't take my eyes off track. I will be more intentional with my response!

Have you ever made a dream board? I highly suggest it! It won't only help you stay focused through the year, but you can look back and see all that you accomplished and see where you can grow and what you can work on the next year. Click here to find out why I think they're so helpful and ways to create one! Visualization is a huge motivator for me, so seeing it all drawn out is key! 

Although it was a hard year, we did so much in 2016! 

Friendships and community were formed. 
One of my best friends got married. 
Birthdays were celebrated. 
My business grew. 
I watched my challengers have huge victories. 
I had a lot of 'firsts'. 
More recipes were created (and blogged). 
I went to CA, IL, SC, FL, TN, MD, GA, VA, DC, Thailand, AND China. WOAH.
We went on a missions trip. 
I visited 3 Disney resorts: Anaheim, Orlando, and Shanghai. 
I witnessed my friend adopt/meet her daughter from China. 
I ran in my first RunDisney race. 
I went back to Stars Hollow. 
We swam in the Indian Ocean. 
I saw my hometown unite after June 12th. #OrlandoStrong
We grew in our marriage. 
We both became healthier. 
Our church moved into our new property and have found partnerships in the community. 
We killed our garden (but have big dreams for 2017). 
We've grown in our desire to adopt. 
I read A TON. 
We've seen heartache and pain (but redemption from hope and love). 
I've become less anxious. 
We've tightened our spending habits. 
I've built deeper friendships through coaching. 
I've seen my husband grow in his career as he works hard for his dreams...our dreams. 

It's safe to say the good outweighed the bad!

Have you taken some time to reflect on 2016? Do you set goals for yourself? Do you have a 'word of the year'? I'd love to hear about them! I just love new beginnings. 2017, ready or not, here we come!

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