
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ditch Day

It's 17 days into the new year...are you all, "okayyyyy, why don't I look/feel like a new person yet?!" 

Guess what? 

January 17th is known as 'ditch day', the day people start to ditch those goals...and the means in which they need to reach those goals. Why?? Because we, as humans, like immediate results. It's in our nature. I get it. 

What I've found is that REAL change takes time. Studies show that this is the week that the majority slowly quit committing to gyms, slowing start indulging into bad eating patterns, slowly adjust their habits. Quick change might happen with wraps, diets, pills, counting points, or a drink, but I want to see long-lasting, healthy habits created for you. If you're ready to ditch those new year resolutions and are ready for a transformation of the mind + body, (that will take time, but I'll be there every step), let's do it together. It's not too late. You're never too old to make a change, but wouldn't you rather feel incredible sooner? 

Ditch your new year's goals that were specific for that date. Don't ditch those incredible goals you have set for yourself for a reason. Remember WHY you want to lose weight, increase your energy, save money, find confidence...whatever the case might be. Choose the route that will get you down the road that leads to your goals. Ditch the excuses, and I'll see you in February

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