
Sunday, July 3, 2016

What is Shakeology?

I started using Shakeology in the Spring of 2014 but it wasn't until the end of the year that I started sharing my journey with my friends and family. To be honest, I wanted to make sure this product had my stamp of approval before raving to all my friends about it.

I was all about working out. The workouts seemed great and we've seen those informercials for years, so surely people are seeing results, but I was anti-shake.
I was hesitant about even trying Shakeology because I questioned a lot

...what ingredients were in there? ...why should I spend the money? it good for someone trying to get pregnant? it healthy for men and women? there splenda or fake sugar?...will I like the flavor?

Then I did my research. I was so hesitant about this at first until I did my research! (I always encourage everyone to do their research!)

I finally decided to just give it a shot for one month and realized:

>> it's filled with so many superfoods that I don't have to take vitamins anymore
>> I am more energized
>> I combat sugary cravings
>> I've never been healthier
>> it's an easy meal on the run
>> it's one super healthy meal of the day I don't even have to think about
>>  it's cheaper than a healthy meal would be
>>  my skin is clear since using it
>> my diet is more balanced
>> my digestive system is balanced
>> my hair is longer and my nails are stronger

....well, it's been over 27 months now and I drink it every day.

What is Shakeology? 

Shakeology is a nutrient enriched powder with 70 ingredients, including 23 vitamins and minerals, protein, superfood antioxidants, herbs, pre and probiotics, and digestive enzymes.

There is a protein blend that includes whey, Sacha Inchi, chia, flax, quinoa, amaranth, brown rice, and pea (this is the non-vegan formula blend; there is also a chocolate and strawberry vegan formula option). Protein is important for mental clarity, lean muscle building, improving skin/hair, and reducing cravings. Each shake has 17 grams of protein per serving.

Next up, are the'll see camu-camu, acai, acerola cherry, bilberry, goji berry, grape seed, green tea, lun hao guo, pomegranate, and rose hips. These ingredients promote antioxident suport for a healthy immune system, heart, and regulate optimal blood pressure.

Next is the super green phytonutrient blend that includes moringa, chlorella, spirulina, spinach, barley grass, kamut grass, wheat grass, and oat grass. These phytonutrients make Shakeology unique and help to detoxify the liver, kidneys, and your blood that help restore your health.

There's an adaptogen blend that protects your body from stress and helps support your immune & endocrine systems. This blend includes ashwagandha, astragalus, cordyceps, ginkho, maca, maitake, reishi, schisandra, and tulsi (holy basil).

Last, in the probiotic/digestive enzyme blend that helps your body absorb nutrients, and helps digestive regularity. This blend includes yacon root, lactobacillus sporogenes, amylase, cellulase, lactase, lipase, protease, bromelain, and papain.

Wow! That's a lot of superfoods that I don't know how to pronounce and I know what you're thinking, it's got to taste like spinach and kale with all of those superfoods, right??

So, what does it taste like???
You can choose from chocolate, vanilla, cafe latte, strawberry, and greenberry. My personal favorite is vegan chocolate -- it has a dark chocolate taste. Chocolate, Cafe Latte, Vanilla, and Strawberry all have vegan options! In my challenge groups, I share various recipes to blend your Shakeology, from peanut butter cup to Pina Colada, to making mug cake to ice pops, the recipes are really endless!

Why do I love it so much? 
The convenience and the money saved! We already talked about how hard (and expensive) it would be to get all these vitamins individually, but I also get these superfoods delivered straight to my door!

Not only is it loaded with nutrition, but it's one meal a day I don't have to think about. It takes a minute to make and great on-the-run!

When I first started looking into ordering Shakeology, I'll be honest, I was worried about cost. What I wasn't thinking about was what I would no longer be purchasing because of Shakeology....

I either no longer need or have cut back on: coffee, healthy snack bars, protein powder, vitamins, fast-food, store-bought smoothies, ice cream, and the super healthy ingredients for one healthy meal a day!

The question I often get is, 'will I lose weight with Shakeology?'
Every doctor will say that to lose weight, eat healthy and exercise, right? Sometimes I think that working out for 2% of my day (just 30 minutes), is the easy part....changing your nutrition can be tough at first, but it's made easier with a plan + accountability. What I've found is that most people don't know how to change their diet because of years of bad habits. By adding Shakeology to your diet, it takes the guess work and provides a healthy meal daily. I believe that Shakeology hasn't only helped my husband and I get healthy from the inside out, but it has also helped us lose weight, and maintain our weight.

Shakeology is not a quick fix! Years of adding excessive weight to your body will not fall off by using Shakeology BUT because of the nutrients, it will help with weightloss. If you replace one meal a day (and when I say this, I mean when you're eating 6-8 smaller meals a day), with Shakeology, you will see optimal results.

Can you lose weight without Shakeology? OF COURSE! But, for me, it's the secret sauce in my health and weightloss journey. By having a chocolate shake every single day, I no longer crave my ice cream every single night....I no longer have the need for a Starbucks stop all the time, I no longer waste money at fast food stops, I no longer worry about finding healthy meals while traveling, and my commute to work is made less stressful because of the superfoods in my coffee breakfast shake!

Does all of this have you curious about what Shakeology can do for you and your family? Let's chat.
Often, I've got deals running for a workout program when you order a bag of Shakeology, so be sure to contact me to get the best deal before giving this a shot! To order, click here.

5 Shakeology Myths Debunked
Is Shakeology clinically proven?
Read testimonies

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