
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

If your food has a TV commercial...

I used to think this way. 

As I saw this sign, I was reminded of when I started on this journey.... I remember having so much on my plate between work and college and trying, trying so hard to feel comfortable in my skin. 

You see, we got married young, I want a typical college student. I was working a full time job, was in school full time, and just trying to survive. The stress of hours spent at the gym at 11pm was only counteracted by my best friend pushing me to get to the gym. 
Fast forward a few years and my friend moved and I didn't have support anymore that I needed. 

I kept seeing my coach share her incredible results + a transformation of coming out of a blur from just recently becoming a mom. After months of watching her journey, I contacted her. She said to join an accountability group with her, I'd have to try Shakeology. I had seen the informercials. I wasn't interested. At. All. After about 3 months, I finally did some research: this wouldn't just help me lose weight but help with anxiety, energy levels, and replace my vitamins. Surely, if this is true, I can at least try it. I did and that was 2 years ago. It's the combination of working out + eating right + superfoods that have kept up my lifestyle but have transformed my health (and my husband's) from the inside out. So this is the one thing that I'd say, go ahead, watch that commercial and believe those testimonies you see, because I'm one of them.

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