
Friday, January 1, 2016

My Word of the Year: 2016

This year, I'm declaring that I have a choice....

I have a choice in my attitude. 
I have a choice to pray. 
I have a choice to be eat well. 
I have a choice in where I invest my money. 
I have a choice to serve others well. 
I have a choice to workout and feel my best. 
I have a choice to work my hardest. 
I have a choice to choose self-care. 
I have a choice to love better. 
I have a choice to make 2016 the best year yet.

Everyday, we're faced with choices: 
All of them lead to consequences. I desire for my choices in 2016, 
to be more thought out; more intentional. 
The choice is yours. 

I am very much looking forward to 2016. 
2015 was a year of transition, as my husband and I moved states and even spent a few months in separate states (because of logistical reasons). While I'd like to think that I did accomplish some pretty big dreams, I felt pretty power-less at times because of situations that were (and are still) out of my control. 
I don't think that 2016 will lead me to feel more in control, however I do feel as though, when I make wiser, more intentional choices, I will feel more powerful and that makes me excited. 

Last year, my word was 'power'. 

I was just looking at my 2015 Dreamboard. 
(Have you ever made one? If not, I highly suggest it! Click here to find out why they're so helpful and how to create one.) Visualization is a huge motivator for me. It helps to see everything in front of me and it enables me to understand how to tackle these goals!

My dreams were big, detailed, and quite scary. 

Did I accomplish them all? No. 

AND that's okay. To name a few things that we accomplished on my dreamboard...(in no particular order) we bought our second home (in a new state), I reached some pretty incredible coaching goals, I traveled, I grew closer to my Savior, read 9.5 books (goal was 10), chose to listen to some pretty awesome podcasts, built some pretty incredible friendships locally and all over the US (many with women who are now some of my dearest friends - arrow girls are the best but I might be bias), I started a blog, and our marriage grew stronger. 

I think it's safe to say the success outweighed the failures  goals that will remain on my list until I accomplish them. 

Do you take some time in December to reflect on the previous year? Do you set goals for yourself? Do you find a word of the year? If so, I'd love to hear about them!
I LOVE new beginnings!
Hey there, 2016, ready or not, here we come!

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