
Monday, January 25, 2016

The Benefits of Bulletproof Coffee

Okay, I know, I know, for years, there have always been "diet" fads, from certain pills, to certain times of day we should eat, to fake sugars, to fat fighters, there is always something on the market for you to jump on to either get healthier, or lose weight....or both. 

But, I want you to hear me out. I believe that eating REAL food is the best way to be your healthiest. Yes, this sometimes includes fats...real fats. Not Hershey Kisses-fats, real fats, like from avocado or (REAL) butter. 

I know what you're thinking...this girl is a health coach who helps people lose weight but she's advocating eating high-caloric fats. YEP. 

What are the benefits of Bulletproof Coffee? 
Business Exec & entrepreneur, David Asprey coined the term, "bulletproof". Once he began putting butter in his coffee, Asprey noticed that his moods were more regulated, he didn't have caffeine jitters, and his energy levels were better than ever. 

So, what's the trick here? Grass-fed butter. It's filled with healthy fats and healthy doses of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin K2, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Once I tried it for myself, not only was I hooked because how it sustained me for the day, but it is DELISH. The butter seems to combat the energy spike that often happens with my morning cup of joe and it left me feeling full. 

What you need: 

8 oz black coffee
1-2 tbsp unsalted grass-fed butter
2 tsp coconut oil or MCT oil

Put it all in a blender....

Viola. Frothy delicious healthy enriched coffee to start your day. 

Try it for yourself and tell me what you think. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Almond Joy "Ice Cream"

Do you LOVE dark chocolate, coconut, and almond as much as I do!? 
Well, can you imagine those flavors in ice cream form that is loaded
with probiotic, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, protein, vitamins, and greens?

This "ice cream" will fuel your body with nutrients that you need,
give you the energy you could use, 
and conquer those sugar cravings that need to just keep walking the other way. 

Order Shakeology by clicking here

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Snow Days

Floridian here! We're expecting our first snow/ice storm and they're anticipating power outages, icey roads, and cooooold winds! I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. Share some of your advice with me! What do I know?? It's National Hug Day and I'm hugging maca root, goji berries, oat grass, grape seed extract, and over 70 other superfoods. Just add water and I've got everything I need in my arms to stay energized and healthy! I'm golden if the stove won't work and the fridge spoils! 

My new purchase!

I have a secret....

Walt was right....dreams come true if we have enough courage to pursue them (even if they look like a bike). Look at my new baby! When deciding to become a coach, I didn't dive in with the anticipation of having extra fun income. I took less hours at my job - I did it to pay the bills (and because it fulfills me in ways I never thought possible).....but NOW I get to make a spur of the moment purchase of buying something that's been on my list since we've been married! I got to pay for this little dream of mine with my coach income. Why aren't we doing this together!?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Paleo Italian "Pasta"

What you need:
spaghetti squash 
red, yellow, or green peppers
diced tomatoes
garlic (fresh or powder)
1 tsp coconut oil


Cut squash in half horizontally. 

Chop peppers and tomatoes. 
In another pan, 
I just added coconut oil, tomatoes, peppers, and spices and let simmer. 

(This is just one of many ways to cook a spaghetti squash - the easiest in my opinion.)
You can choose to remove seeds before cooking, but it's entirely up to you. 
Sprinkle on coconut oil and water. 
Microwave for 10-12 minutes. 

The squash should be soft. Scrape "noodles" off shell. 

Add tomato mixture to the top with basil. 


Friday, January 1, 2016

My Word of the Year: 2016

This year, I'm declaring that I have a choice....

I have a choice in my attitude. 
I have a choice to pray. 
I have a choice to be eat well. 
I have a choice in where I invest my money. 
I have a choice to serve others well. 
I have a choice to workout and feel my best. 
I have a choice to work my hardest. 
I have a choice to choose self-care. 
I have a choice to love better. 
I have a choice to make 2016 the best year yet.

Everyday, we're faced with choices: 
All of them lead to consequences. I desire for my choices in 2016, 
to be more thought out; more intentional. 
The choice is yours. 

I am very much looking forward to 2016. 
2015 was a year of transition, as my husband and I moved states and even spent a few months in separate states (because of logistical reasons). While I'd like to think that I did accomplish some pretty big dreams, I felt pretty power-less at times because of situations that were (and are still) out of my control. 
I don't think that 2016 will lead me to feel more in control, however I do feel as though, when I make wiser, more intentional choices, I will feel more powerful and that makes me excited. 

Last year, my word was 'power'. 

I was just looking at my 2015 Dreamboard. 
(Have you ever made one? If not, I highly suggest it! Click here to find out why they're so helpful and how to create one.) Visualization is a huge motivator for me. It helps to see everything in front of me and it enables me to understand how to tackle these goals!

My dreams were big, detailed, and quite scary. 

Did I accomplish them all? No. 

AND that's okay. To name a few things that we accomplished on my dreamboard...(in no particular order) we bought our second home (in a new state), I reached some pretty incredible coaching goals, I traveled, I grew closer to my Savior, read 9.5 books (goal was 10), chose to listen to some pretty awesome podcasts, built some pretty incredible friendships locally and all over the US (many with women who are now some of my dearest friends - arrow girls are the best but I might be bias), I started a blog, and our marriage grew stronger. 

I think it's safe to say the success outweighed the failures  goals that will remain on my list until I accomplish them. 

Do you take some time in December to reflect on the previous year? Do you set goals for yourself? Do you find a word of the year? If so, I'd love to hear about them!
I LOVE new beginnings!
Hey there, 2016, ready or not, here we come!