
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Paleo Christmas Treats

I looked up recipes for Christmas dinner and desserts on Pinterest (because there ain't no time to create my own)!

I may have overdone it this year in the treats department. 

I made...

paleo chocolate peppermint blender brownies: from here

 paleo gingerbread cookies: from here

paleo coconut peppermint chocolate macaroons:  from here

These recipes were super easy AND a hit. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Fudge

These were super easy to make! That's what I love about some recipes 
- easy and healthy, YES!

What you need: 
1 cup (melted) refined coconut oil
1/2 cup honey
1 cup dark cocoa powder
1/2 tsp peppermint extract (I get mine at Whole Foods)
Crushed peppermint candies (optional)


1. Line a 9x5 pan with parchment paper
2. Place all ingredients in blender and blend on high
3. Pour mixture in loaf pan and place in freezer for 15 minutes (until cool, yet still soft)
4. (Optional) Add peppermint candies on top
5. Enjoy and share at your next Christmas party!

'Quick' Doesn't Last

Yes, you're being lied to and so have I.....if you've ever thought you'd get to your ideal weight or feel your best with diet pills, wrapping, tiny microwave meals, diet anything, Splenda, counting calories (and not chemicals), then you've fallen into the trap of lies. Don't we all wish there was a quick fix to wearing our skinniest jeans after the fun, busy holiday season?!! 
But guess what quick doesn't = lasting. 

Want to know my steps to making healthy eating, working out, and self care a lifestyle? 
1. know that consistency is key and hard work is going to be worth it. learn to enjoy fitness (yes, it's possible). 
2. set realistic goals & show yourself grace
3. find accountability
4.  find a meal guide that is not restrictive. 
Yes, I'm a coach but like everyone, I need accountability too. Join me in January so we can start off the year right and make 2016 our best yet. 

Saturday, December 12, 2015

December Survival Guide

Have a game plan to find balance and rest: 

This month, with my team, we're sharing from prompts daily to remember to reflect on our blessings and to find balance. Follow along on IG if you'd like!

Meal prep! Stock up on the colorful things!

Pay attention to portions (follow an easy plan with the 21 Day Fix).
Love those Christmas colors!

Prepare snacks when traveling.

Keep the meals that you cook at home, clean and colorful. 

Take time to breathe and get away by yourself when you can. 

When you take time for yourself, you can love others better. 

Take time for some personal development - this is a GREAT read especially during this busy season.

Find ways to get your workout in. Traveling? No problem....
I stream all of my workouts on my iPad from Beachbody on Demand. 
Want to get the first 30 days free as a trial? Let me know!

Find a workout plan and commit. Schedule it in your calendar. Cize is a great, fun workout to do with the whole fam. You'll have so much fun dancing, you'll forget you're working out. 

Keep track of progress. When I remember where I've come from and where I am now, it always helps me stay motivated!

Get accountability. My accountability group is basically filled with silly post workout selfies like these. haha. It's so fun to see everyone's Christmas tree decor!

Reward yourself for your results! (With other things than food, you're not an animal, hehe)

When clothes fit better, I stay motivated. Get clothes that fit properly. 

Remember that your winter body is setting up for success for bathing suit season, right around the corner. 

Take your vitamins and superfoods....ANYWHERE!

Pack snacks...

Enjoy time with friends and indulge with shakes (and superfoods).

Enjoy treats, but keep them clean. (This is a great alternative at Starbucks.)

Going to a party? Enjoy the fruits and veggies....OR bring something that you know you'd enjoy, cure your sweettooth, but also made with more healthy ingredients. I'll be blogging this dark chocolate, gluten-free, vegan, peppermint coal fudge soon!

Drink your superfoods for energy, vitamins, and enjoy those sweet treats. 

Like peppermint mochas...

or eggnog....

Remember to give yourself grace and don't be discouraged when you indulge on some treats or skip a a workout. Just get back on the wagon and have a plan.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Healthy Thanksgiving

Are you looking for healthy side items to serve this Thanksgiving? Look no further! Last year, at our home, we had Friendsgiving and this is what was served: 

First....always start with greens...

Salad with almonds & cranberries. Super simple and fresh. 

Paleo sweet potato casserole: 

What you need: 
4 pre-cooked and mashed sweet potatoes
1/4 cup raw maple syrup
1 large egg
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp pure vanilla
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp salt 
1/2 cup chopped pecans

To make: 
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Grease 8 inch dish with coconut oil
3. Mash the cooked and peeled potatoes in a mixing bowl
4. Add in maple syrup, egg, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and salt
5. Whip ingredients until creamy
6. Spoon mixture into dish (pre-greased)
7. Sprinkle on pecans
8. Bake for about 35 minutes (until slightly golden)
9. Serve and enjoy

Spinach, quinoa, and mushrooms

Cook time: 20 mins. 
Serves: 4 

What you need: 
1 lb mushroom, sliced thin
3 garlic cloves
1 tbsp unsalted butter (or use coconut oil)
1 tsp olive oil
5 chopped green onions
7 oz. fresh spinach
2 cups cooked quinoa 
1 tsp olive oil

To make: 
1. Heat butter & olive oil in a large skillet on medium-high heat. 
2. Add mushrooms and garlic. 
3. Saute over medium-high heat for 5 minutes until mushrooms are soft. 
4. Add green onions and mix. 
5. Season with salt. 
6. Add spinach to skillet, reduce heat to low. 
7. Cover skillet with lid and allow mushrooms and spinach cook for 1 minute. 
8. Add 2 cups of cooked quinoa to skillet and cook on low. 
9. Let cook for 1 minute until spinach wilts and quinoa is warm. 
10. If need be, add a tsp of olive oil and season with salt. 

Butternut Squash & Cranberry Quinoa Mix

Time needed: 40 mins. 
Serves: 4

What you need: 
3 cups chopped butternut squash
1 tbsp olive oil
1 cup uncooked quinoa
1.5 cups water
1/3 cup dried cranberry
1/3 cup chopped red onion
salt & pepper

To make: 
1. Preheat oven to 400
2. Toss the olive oil and squash into a bowl. 
3. Season with pepper and salt. 
4. Arrange squash on a baking sheet with one layer. 
5. Roast for 25 minutes (until squash is tender and lightly brown)
6. While squash is roasting, rinse quinoa under cold water (water should appear clear). 
7. Place quinoa and water in medium sized sauce pan. 
8. Bring to boil, reduce to a simmer until absorbed (about 20 mins). 
9. In a large bowl, combine quinoa, squash, cranberries, and onion into a large bowl. 

Green beans cooked on the stove with coconut oil. 
Drizzle with sliced almonds. 

What's on your menu this year? What simple changes can you make to make Thanksgiving a little healthier and cleaner? Your body will thank you in December. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Healthy Holidays

21 days. 3 states. 10 days on vacation and out of state. 30 minutes a day. I have more energy, I'm more toned, have a clearer mind, and set up great habits to set me up well through the holidays. I'm so much more disciplined in every area of my life. Join me in doing it all over again in December. Inbox me for a discount and get accountability through the busiest season:

Friday, November 20, 2015

Paleo Pumpkin Bread

I first made this when I started exploring eating Paleo back in 2013 and I loved it. (I'll be honest, it wasn't even Fall....I just LOVE pumpkin.) As I began day by day eating paleo, I loved cooking up recipes like these to fulfill that desire for sweets and breads. 

Prep time: 10 mins. 
Cook time: 45 mins. 
Serves: 12

What you need: 
3 large eggs
3/4 cup almond butter
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
3 tbps ghee or unsalted butter
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup coconut flour
1.5 tsp cinnamon
1.5 tsp grain free baking powder 
(to make your own 1.5 tsp baking soda & 2 tsp cream of tarter)
1/2 tsp lemon zest
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp sea salt

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
2. Lightly grease a loaf pan (8.5x4.5)
3. Place a piece of parchment at bottom of pan
4. Combine eggs, almond butter, maple syrup, pumpkin puree, ghee (or butter), lemon juice, and vanilla
5. Puree in a blender or food processor until creamy (about 30 seconds)
6. Add the coconut flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking powder, lemon zest, ginger, and sea salt. 
7. Blend for another 30 seconds until combined
8. Pour batter into pan
9. Bake for 40-45 minutes until fork comes out clean
10. Remove from oven and let cool for 15 minutes
11. Remove from pan and allow to cool for 2 hours
12. Store in refrigerator


(Adapted from Against All Grain)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Vegetable Quinoa Stuffed Butternut Squash

Cook time: 45 minutes
Serves: 2

What you need: 
1 butternut squash
brussel sprouts
2/3 cup quinoa 
handful of kale
1 cup of mushrooms
1/2 red pepper
salt, pepper, garlic, and basil 
extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil
Optional: crumbled feta

Start by preheating the oven to 400*F. Divide the butternut squash in half long ways.

Scoop out the, seeds. This works great with an ice cream scoop.

Arrange the squash on a baking tray. Sprinkle on olive oil or coconut oil and salt.
Cook for 30-35 minutes. 

While the squash is in the oven, coat a pan with coconut oil and cook veggies.
(Start with the brussel sprouts and mushrooms, as they take longer to cook)
While the veggies are cooking, in another pan, cook quinoa. Quinoa will appear soft and fluffy. 
About 10 later, add the quinoa to the veggie mix. 
Add spices.

Once the squash is done, pull out some of the flesh to form a bowl. 
Place the quinoa veggie mix into the squash halves. 
Optional (non-paleo): add feta

Place in the oven to bake for an additional 10 minutes. 

Enjoy this deliciousness all Fall!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Shakeology Boosts

What do many of my mornings look like? 

THIS!....or some kind of combination to start my day off right!

Beachbody has created 3 new boosts to add to
 our already amazing Shakeology!
You have the options of Focused Energy, Power Greens, and/or Digestive Health. 

What's the best part? They make my already delicious chocolate shakes even creamier.....

My favorite boost is Focused Energy.  This formula is designed to give you a wholesome boost of energy in your body and mind. There is 100 ml of natural caffeine. It comes from guarana and green tea. The Focused Energy supports mental clarity, alertness, focus, and helps increase stamina. There are no artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, or preservatives. 

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE coffee, but too much can increase stress hormones, high blood sugar, high acidity (which can cause heart burn and irregularity), and can cause addiction. 
Enter, focused energy in your morning shake....

Do you need more Power Greens but don't know how to get it in? 
Do your kids need more greens and can't get them to eat them? 
Add them to a shake! They'll never know!

The Greens Power boost contains one full serving of nutritious green veggies that provides vitamins, minerals, and healthy phytonutrients to your body. It's like you're eating 2/3 cup of dark leafy greens, 1/3 cup cucumbers, and 1/3 of a large celery stalk. 
This formula helps the body's acid/alkaline, win!

Let's talk about that little thing that everyone is uncomfortable talking about....
Digestive Health. We all deal with it. We all eat things that our body isn't a fan of....we all need some help with digestion every now and again. 
Enter, the tastiest means of making things normal again in the....bathroom. 

Get over half your daily recommended amount of fiber when you add this boost to your Chocolate Shake! There is a blend of 7 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber packed into every scoop (most digestive supplements only contain soluble fiber). Digestive Health improves irregularity, support digestive health, and helps keep you feeling full longer. 

If you need focused energy, power greens, and digestive health, 
jump on IT! To order, click here