
Saturday, December 12, 2015

December Survival Guide

Have a game plan to find balance and rest: 

This month, with my team, we're sharing from prompts daily to remember to reflect on our blessings and to find balance. Follow along on IG if you'd like!

Meal prep! Stock up on the colorful things!

Pay attention to portions (follow an easy plan with the 21 Day Fix).
Love those Christmas colors!

Prepare snacks when traveling.

Keep the meals that you cook at home, clean and colorful. 

Take time to breathe and get away by yourself when you can. 

When you take time for yourself, you can love others better. 

Take time for some personal development - this is a GREAT read especially during this busy season.

Find ways to get your workout in. Traveling? No problem....
I stream all of my workouts on my iPad from Beachbody on Demand. 
Want to get the first 30 days free as a trial? Let me know!

Find a workout plan and commit. Schedule it in your calendar. Cize is a great, fun workout to do with the whole fam. You'll have so much fun dancing, you'll forget you're working out. 

Keep track of progress. When I remember where I've come from and where I am now, it always helps me stay motivated!

Get accountability. My accountability group is basically filled with silly post workout selfies like these. haha. It's so fun to see everyone's Christmas tree decor!

Reward yourself for your results! (With other things than food, you're not an animal, hehe)

When clothes fit better, I stay motivated. Get clothes that fit properly. 

Remember that your winter body is setting up for success for bathing suit season, right around the corner. 

Take your vitamins and superfoods....ANYWHERE!

Pack snacks...

Enjoy time with friends and indulge with shakes (and superfoods).

Enjoy treats, but keep them clean. (This is a great alternative at Starbucks.)

Going to a party? Enjoy the fruits and veggies....OR bring something that you know you'd enjoy, cure your sweettooth, but also made with more healthy ingredients. I'll be blogging this dark chocolate, gluten-free, vegan, peppermint coal fudge soon!

Drink your superfoods for energy, vitamins, and enjoy those sweet treats. 

Like peppermint mochas...

or eggnog....

Remember to give yourself grace and don't be discouraged when you indulge on some treats or skip a a workout. Just get back on the wagon and have a plan.

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