
Friday, October 30, 2015

Pumpkin Maple Overnight Oats

I made spur-the-moment pumpkin overnight oats to eat for breakfast today and it was simple and delicious!

What you need: 
1/2 cup rolled, steel-cut oats (optional: gluten free)
1/2 cup almond milk
1/4 cup canned pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp cinnamon
maple syrup

Mix all of the ingredients except the maple syrup into a cup with a lid. 
Wake up, drizzle maple syrup on top. 
(Adding granola would taste great on top too!)

Enjoy and feel like you're having dessert for breakfast. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The gratitude fix with TeamBTFP

Do you want to know what one of the main reasons I feel like my team is my family? One of our biggest strengths is finding confidence, happiness, and freedom. As you probably know, we all run fitness/healthy eating challenge groups monthly, which is great, and the results that come from our groups is incredible. I'm so blessed to see people transform their health completely. However, something that I see often but people rarely talk about publicly, is a change in their attitude or perspective. Well, for the month of November, my coach and our teams will be hosting a challenge group related to gratitude and wellness to end off the year well. 

I'm looking for women who are going to flourish this holiday season and keep themselves a priority. We want to keep up healthy habits that might have already been created this year. Perhaps you still have 2015 goals you're hoping to reach?I'm looking for women who are ready to be confident in their holiday family photos this year (because I know what it's like to not be confident for pictures). I'm looking for women who won't be defeated by holiday weight gain (because I know I've been there).  Leading up to Thanksgiving, we'll spend 21 days together to learn about simple ways to improve ourselves through gratitude, creativity and self-care. 

Join us for the #gratitudefix by reaching out at

Dare to Dream?

I love this quote from John Quincy Adams, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, YOU ARE A LEADER." 

I never saw myself as a leader. I didn't believe that I could make a difference in others lives. To be honest, I didn't have belief in make big, positive changes for myself, to take actions to become more, to become better, to even establish dreams for our future. Now, I'm a dreamer.

I'm looking up now more than ever before. Over the last year and a half, my husband and I have changed our lives drastically. Not only have we changed our health around, but our finances have improved SO much. To be honest, becoming a Beachbody coach has been one of the best decisions I've ever made....all of this started just because I just wanted a discount on incredible products like workout programs and vitamins.

I GET to help inspire others to better themselves and make an income.

The best part about this gig is that there is no specific mold to being a coach; my team consists of working moms, guys, and even grandparents. We're all on different stages of our journey and we're all imperfect but our first desire is to see others thriving. I'm not the most outgoing person, nor am I the most fit, nor am I perfect with my nutrition, but it's my goal to help others with providing them tools and accountability to get their health (and potentially, finances) on track. I am a leader. I believe in myself. I believe that I can change the world and I believe you can too. I believe that it's never too late to make changes - in your perspective in life, your finances, or your health.

Will you dream big with me for a minute? What could you do with extra money? Pay off debt? Stay at home with your kids? Take a much needed vacation? Are you unsure where to start? I am looking for 5 women who desire to see others thrive. As a Diamond coach, I've been given incredible trainings and tools to help build up my team. We're not here with salesy tactics, we don't believe there is a quick fix - regarding health or finances. We do believe in dreaming, positivity, self-care, hard work, and teamwork.

I'd love to chat with you. If you'd like to know more information about this coaching life, send me a message or fill out the application here

Yesterday, you said, tomorrow.

There are  weeks until 2016. I can vouch and say that so much can be accomplished in 8 weeks. If you turn off the noises of the negativity committee in your head + gather the right tools + find accountability, those 2016 goals won't see so far when January 1st comes around. My group is diving in head first next week for 2 rounds of the 21 Day Fix before the New Year and I'm pumped. Click here to join us. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

2 more months....

I bought a 2016 calendar for work today as we're starting to plan for the next year. This got me thinking...toward the end of last year, my incredible coach/mentor/teammate encouraged us to make a dream board for the year. I will have accomplished everything on the list very very soon. I set hard dates and goals and I went after them. This year hasn't been easy, these goals weren't simple, but I had a plan of action, hit some bumps in the road, but got up! That's what has changed, I GOT UP and kept at it. What do you desire to accomplish over these last 2 months? If you'd like to change your perspective slightly and look into this coaching thing that's transformed our lives, financially, spiritually, and physically, we've got a sneak peek going on now. Break the cycle and don't let 2015 pass you by without making some lasting changes.

I don't have to, I get to....

What do you take for a granted? I know I've been one to take a ton for granted. When did things change? When I had a mindset perspective change. 

I don't have to workout, I get to. It helps me feel stronger in every area of my life. 
I don't have to eat well, I get to. 
I don't have to read everyday to improve my life, I get to. 
I don't have to have self discipline, I get to. 
I don't have to save money while getting healthier, I get to.  
That last one was supposed to be funny...but it's true. But honestly, y'all, I used to spend so much money at the gym, I used to spend so much money at crappy food when eating out, and I used to consider self improvement/reading a chore or below's all about a change in perspective! I get to make my life better everyday because it's a choice!
I wouldn't be where I am today without challenge groups, my team, or these incredible tools to help me to feel my best.

Zucchini Noodles with Tomatoes

A friend and I love to cook together! When she asked if I wanted to come over and cook somethin' up, I grabbed produce from MY garden and we got cookin'!

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Serves: 2

What you need: 
olive oil
3 garlic cloves, chopped
salt & pepper
1 tbsp fresh basil
1 large zucchini

First, spiralize zucchini, using the large blade.

Dice tomatoes.

Cook zucchini noodles in a large pan on medium heat in olive oil for 5 minutes. 

Set cooked noodles aside in a bowl. 

In the same pan pan, set to heat to high, heat olive oil and garlic for about 30 seconds. Add tomatoes and salt & pepper. Reduce the heat to low. Allow to simmer, until tomatoes are soft....about 15 minutes. 

Combine zoodles to tomato sauce for about 2 minutes on medium heat. 

Serve & enjoy. 

Like these recipes? Share them on Pinterest or Facebook.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

No-Carve Pumpkin

If you're anything like me, you're just not great at pumpkin carving. One of my best friends found an incredible talent of pumpkin carving years ago....she could seriously get paid for it. My carved pumpkins on the other hand, look like a 5 year old carved them. I LOVE Fall, colorful leaves, and all things pumpkin, so luckily, there are alternatives to pumpkin carving.

For my no-carve pumpkin, all I need was black thread and silver pins. I opted for a chevron design. 

I started by placing the pins around the top of the pumpkin, pinning at every groove of the pumpkin. 

Next, I made my design down the ridges. 

Viola! Another benefit of a no-carve pumpkin is that they won't rot or smell as quickly!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

I raise my glass to you, Moms....

I raise my glass to those of you that have someone call you Mommy....

I am not a mom but I hope to be one day. I raise my glass to you super moms out there who raise little humans, feed little mouths, clean up cereal, poop, and toys from every square inch of the house. I watched 4 little ones this morning and began my morning with Focused Energy in my breakfast Shakeology. I know I don't know what it's like to be a mom all day everyday, but I'm willing to bet a little extra energy would help. From the short amount of time I watched the babies today, I get, "I never have time to feed myself...". Maybe this month is the month for a boost and make sure you're feeding yourself to make sure you're prepared with proper nutrition to keep up with those little feet? I'd love to help you out! Let's chat and we can chat about how to make this work in your busy life!

Monday, October 5, 2015

A life by design...

I just got done speaking with one of my coaches about how they're so so grateful for the opportunity this job has given them to work from home and be with their kids more. We used to both work for Disney and 5 nights a week, we would get home at midnight. This is freedom! This same coach is experiencing positive changes within their health that they haven't seen in over 8 years. This is freedom! I'm just so grateful I found something that improves my life, my family, my health, my finances...AND I get to help others on their journey too. We're not perfect, we don't have all of the answers, but we're always striving to be better. I'm so glad I have this sisterhood bond with so many women all across the country. This is something that I never envisioned being my job, but isn't that how life sometimes works? We find ourselves in amazing places we'd never even dreamed of.
If you want to find more about what it is we do, ask away! We'd love to have you. Click here to apply to join my team.