
Saturday, May 2, 2015

April Challenger Victories

 Every month, I run online accountability groups to help me with their fitness and nutrition goals. For my challengers, April was an incredible time of breaking through barriers and struggles even when times were tough or busy.

A non-scale victory: this challenger is in her fifties and has dealt with arthritis in her legs and feel and has gone from a wheelchair to a walker to crutches to exercising and walking lost distances to WEARING HEELS! I love the freedoms that come with clean eating and exercising!

....from someone who was fully reliant on pastas, potatoes, and sweets and never ate veggies! She has learned how much food can effect her health and well being...and pant size (as she's down 3 pant sizes since February)!

There are 2 reasons I love the 21 Day Fix and why I chose this victory to share: 1.) The 21 Day Fix workouts target every area of the body (something I wasn't doing properly at the gym). 2.) It's all about progress - feeling better, healthier, stronger than we did the week before! This was shared mid way through our challenge. 

"Another non-scale victory I realized today, while at the airport is that the last time I flew on a plane I needed wheelchair assistance and a seat belt extension. Today, I walked just fine for a long distance through the airport AND the seat belt fit me!" 

This lady is down 30 lbs and is doing amazing things!

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