
Monday, May 23, 2016

Shrimp Avocado Salad

Makes: 3-4 servings

What you need: 
about 24 frozen shrimp
2 avocados
about 30 cherry tomatoes
lemon juice
tumeric, garlic powder, and mustard powder
salt & pepper

To make: 

1. Thaw and saute shrimp
2. spice with tumeric, garlic powder, and mustard powder

3. chop tomatoes in half and dice avocado in bite sizes

4. in a bowl, place avocado, tomatoes, and lemon juice together. 
5. mix together (without smashing avocado)

6. put shrimp in bowl with avocado and tomatoes
7. place over spinach

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The 3 Day Refresh: A Review

We all get our cars looked at....get our oil changed, get it inspected, cleaned on the inside and outside, right? When we get our oil changed, it acts as a reset, right? The car heats up every time and things wear down over time. If we don't get our oil changed, the parts would eventually break down and causes major engine troubles. 

Our bodies are no different. We sometimes need a reset! It will be easier to move forward and treat our bodies well after these 3 days because we don't want to cram bad things in our newly refreshed system....the body we depend on every single day. I think that's the idea behind the refresh. Be refreshed and move forward!
Back in the Spring, when I was traveling like a mad woman, I took 3 days to hit reset because I may have eaten too many Mickey Waffles and slacked off on some workouts. I've been too busy to share about my experience and I completely forgot!

This is the second time I've done the 3 Day Refresh. 
My 3 favorite ways to best use this reset tool is to: 
1. Use it before diving into a new workouts program to hit reset and get your mindset ready for a beautiful transformation. 
2. It's a great tool to use after indulging on vacation to get back on track with your healthy habits. 
3. It's a healthy way to slim down right before a big event. Not only did I lose inches/weight, but my skin was more vibrant! 

What is the 3 Day Refresh?
Let's be clear -- this is not a fast. I love the food on this program and remember that this was created by the best in the biz! If you've done an all-liquid cleanse, that's usually high in sugars and low in protein, it probably left you feeling weak and sluggish. Liquid fasts can harm your organs and negatively impact your metabolism. THIS reset is scientifically designed to detoxify and cleanse, while supporting your metabolism with easy-to-prepare, nutritious whole foods to help your vital organs reenergize. THIS is why you feel vibrant when you come off of the Refresh and still lose weight! 

I'm going to admit, these 3 days aren't easy breezy, but totally do-able!

You'll be given a booklet with step-by-step guide, recipes, and tips and everything you'll need except for foods (but that's where the fun part comes in)! 
-- Each morning begins with Shakeology, a superfood drink that helps improve and support your body's vital functions, while helping increase your energy levels and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. 
-- You'll be guided to use Vanilla Refresh which is a protein-rich formula that helps curb your hunger. This includes 20 grabs of wholesome plant-based protein, 22 essential vitamins, and probiotics for digestive health. 
-- You'll use a Fiber Sweep beverage which gently & naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system with its blend of whole ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks. What in the world is psyllium seed husks???? I'm glad you asked. It reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, lowers cholesterol, and supports healthy blood sugar levels. 
-- Last, the includes a variety fruits, veggies, and healthy fats to choose from throughout each day. The booklet gives you options of super simple meals to choose from and recipes to make them. 

This is an overview of some of the things I ate while on the Refresh:

2 of the 3 days, I still stuck to my normal workouts...
which means energy levels were great!

I'm a busy bee, these snacks were easy to take 
with me on-the-go with minimal prep. 

The cool part about the 3 Day Refresh is that it helped me lose weight fast. How is this possible? Is it just water weight? Won't it just come back on day 4?? No, it helped me build my fat-burning metabolism. This helped me nourish my body with the right things and helped me break bad eating habits. The benefits of this 3 day refresh will lasted. 

Want to give it a try? 
Click here to order or email me and ask me if about any deals
 I can hook you up with on the 3 Day Refresh. 

Worried it might not do for you what you think? There is a 30 day money-back guarantee. If you're not feeling lighter, leaner, and cleaner 30 days later, return it for a full refund (except for s&h). 

Let me help you REFRESH.