
Monday, June 29, 2015

Spiralized Apple "Pie"

My friend and I recently spiralized zucchini and our obsession with using the device spiraled out of control. HA! We bought apples and wanted to see what we could create...

We spiralized apples...

We threw them on the stove with coconut oil, honey, and cinnamon until they were a little crispy. We then added some dairy free ice cream...

and realized we just created trouble...

It was so good! For more recipes and ideas, follow me on Instagram at @Rootedtreewellness or find me on Facebook, here

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Whole 30 (post 3)

I'm officially done my first Whole30. I have to say I felt amazing during these 30 days and I'm excited to share the last 10 days because I felt the best during this portion of the month. I think my body was getting used to it and had finally detoxed all of the bad things. Also, I think the last 10 days were the easiest because I didn't need to keep checking ingredient lists because I had a framework in which I was following from the previous 20 days. 

Day 21: My workday was spot on because of meal prep! For lunch, I had turkey, pepper lettuce wraps, organic kiwi, an apple, and almonds for snacks! I was sure to get in my water!
Day 22: For breakfast I had eggs, arugula, and avocado. I've learned a lot about flavor on this journey. I actually don't need extra things like ketchup or sauces; enjoy the flavor that comes from whole foods!
I tried these little (I wish you could see the true size) peaches and I still think I favor the normal, fuzzy ones, but these definitely win the cuteness award!
For dinner, I sautéed veggies with broccoli slaw, chicken, Tessemae's lemon garlic dressing, and kale...super yum! 
A closer look at the dressing I used frequently while Whole30-ing.
Day 23: Favorite snack - banana with almond butter and sliced almonds. 
Cilantro chicken and tomatoes with lime and guacamole for dinner! I'll be sharing this recipe soon. It was a means of getting some Mexican cuisine flavors without the rice, cheese, beans, and chips!
Day 24: I like to call this the game-changer meal! New friends said, let's do Mexican for lunch. (Mexican food was one of the main things I craved during Whole30 (because, it's so good, obviously). Part of me wanted to opt out, part of me thought I could just refrain from eating (and eat later at home), then I realized, I can do this! If this is a lifestyle, I can do this! I ate the most filling, refreshing salads EVER. I wasn't even tempted by chips and salsa...what??! It's funny what you're body will do when you put clean foods in it, ain't it!? 
Day 25: Breakfast of eggs, kale, and peppers 
Lunch: Broccoli slaw chicken salad in lettuce boats
Day 26: Give me all the apples and almond butter!
Lunch: Tuna and grapes in a salad (which became an easy go-to)!
Day 27:  Brinner (always!) Eggs with arugula, veggies, and avocado...and Red Ape Cinnamon for spice (and now I put it on everything).
Day 28: Mid-day work snack of cold, crunchy, organic peas from a local garden. I would've never thought this would be an enjoyable snack, but their sweet, crunchyness was delicious!
Lunch with arugula, chicken, raspberries, carrots, broccoli, and Tessemae's lemon garlic dressing. 
I did my best to not resort to Larabars while Whole30-ing. I had a total of 2. This one was coconut cream pie and I consumed it out of complete desperation while I was out working at a coffee shop. It was, of course, pure deliciousness!
Day 29: Dinner of brussel sprouts, chicken, and tomatoes. 
Night time tea became my best friend.
Day 30: A very typical (for me) Whole30 breakfast  of eggs, veggies, and avocado. 
Mid-day summer snack of frozen grapes. Why are they so much better than regular grapes!? I'm thankful for my 21 Day Fix containers so I don't eat the entire bag. 
On my last night of Whole30, my dear friends made a Whole30 compliant dinner of grilled chicken, veggies, and potatoes. It was so delicious and I am so grateful. 

What I learned: 
1. Enjoy the flavors that are already in whole foods. 
2. Utilize spices! They're your best friend. 
3. Always meal prep and have snacks with your when you're out and about. 
4. You don't need to add sugar, honey, or creamer to your coffee/tea. 
5. Your friends won't think you're crazy for doing this like you think they might be. In fact, some might enjoy some Whole30 meals themselves (see day 30). 
6. You'll eat a lot of eggs. 
7. THERE IS SO MUCH SUGAR IN EVERYTHING. Okay, learning about the paleo lifestyle, I knew this, however, I often figured, 'eh, it's just a little sugar, it won't kill me, but when I am avoiding it entirely, it was super eye opening. Let's just say, I'll be purchasing a new brand of almond butter, dressings, and sauces (when I already thought I was being good...jeesh)!
8. Drink a lot of water. 
9. Hot tea before bed is a great remedy to late night snacking. 

What I would've changed: 
I wish I would've had more time to create more unique meals. I was often eating at work, so I created the same salad and snack options pretty much everyday. But, I don't might similar meals over and over...this actually makes busy life easier. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Chocolate Pudding

Prep time: 5 minutes
Serves: 4

What you need: 
1.5 scoops of chocolate Shakeology
1 ripe medium avocado
1 medium banana (sliced)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tsp fresh lemon juice

To make: 
Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth. 
Let set in refrigerator for 1 hour. 


What I have done a few times (because sometimes I don't have an hour to spare) is add a few ice cubes and it does the trick. The consistency will be smoother if you let it set. 

ENJOY (and never eat that stuff out of a box again)!

What's my favorite part about Shakeology pudding? You're not only getting the nutrients from the banana and the avocado but you're getting superfood ingredients from Shakeology like probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, protein, and vitamins that your body needs! This is great for the summer time, for your whole family.